What is Smart CRM?

Smart CRM is enhancing an existing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform with bots, AI, machine learning and big data. We enhance the notion of building relationships with marketing and sales prospects with the ability for our clients to get a comprehensive, 360-degree profile on exactly who they are speaking with.

Our clients know personality insights, social media sites, recent news, and other key performance indicators about their targets so they know exactly how to build the best relationship to meet both their needs and the targets' needs. Some even call Data 360 a "matchmaker" for business!

We have three services in the Smart CRM category:

  1. FBPlus - Automated customer insights and customer records from Facebook pages
  2. EmailPlus - Automated email marketing with customer insights and customer records
  3. ShopPlus - Automated e-commerce sales with customer insights and customer records

Questions? Email support@data360.solutions.